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Patient information

Information about Surgery



Meniscal tears

Meniscus Tears – OrthoInfo – AAOS



Shoulder stabilisation Arthroscopy or  Laterjet


Straight Leg Raises 

Mr Sivardeen wanted you to do these exercises till he sees you next.

It should not make your knee pain worse (increased thigh pain is normal and ok), but in the unlikely event of your knee pain worsening, please stop and let us know.

If too easy,  please increase repetitions or use ankle weights. 

Also, if possible  use a cycle machine with low resistance and with the seat relatively high (so you don’t squash your knees).

Posture And Neck Exercises

Below are useful links for you to perform neck and posture exercises as discussed with Mr Sivardeen.



Chiropractic Neck Strengthening exercises by Townsville Chiropractors (

Passive  Shoulder Exercises 

Please see below  a  link showing some useful exercises to do to keep your shoulder moving. There is no need to do the exercises round your back.  

The exercises are specific for a frozen shoulder, but they can be used as you recover from any surgery if instructed by your surgeon 

Pendular Exercises are a useful shoulder exercise to do.


Often after surgery your knee may swell.  We would recommend you purchase a cryocuff machine which will help you in your recovery.  Note you will get one automatically if surgery is at the London Independent Hospital

Aircast Knee Cryo/Cuff with Cooler –


London Independent Hospital

Arch Supports For Flat Feet 

This is something from Boots, which is OK to start off with-

Note, your feet will hurt for 2-3 weeks normally as you get used to wearing them.

Another set of good inserts are below

Buy from eBay

Wrist Splint

See below  splint you can get from Amazon

Buy from eBay

Laptop Stand

Please see useful laptop stand

Buy from eBay

NHS referrals

You can now be seen by Mr Sivardeen via the NHS at a Private Hospital.  There is no charge and there are lots of advantages,  although it is still a lot slower than being seen privately.

To be seen at Spire London East

You need to go to your GP and ask to be referred to the Spire London East  by a system called “choose and book”.  You need to put my name in the body of the referral  ie you want to see Mr Sivardeen. You also need to specify that you need the appointment on a Wednesday, (you may end up being booked to see Mr Karmegam, but that is fine because we work together). If this is not an option you can get your GP to write a letter to me to see if I can see you on the NHS at the Spire London East and I should be able to sort this out. Please send this letter to me

To be seen at the London Independent Hospital

You need to go to your GP and ask to be referred to the London Independant Hospital by a system called “choose and book”.  You need to put my name in the body of the referral  ie you want to see Mr Sivardeen or Mr Karmegam. You also need to specify that you need the appointment on a Thursday or Friday, (you may end up being booked to see Mr Karmegam, but that is fine because we work together).

If this is not an option you can get your GP to write a letter to me to see if I can see you on the NHS at the London Independant Hospital and I should be able to sort this out. Please send this letter to me

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