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Oxford Knee Score

Each question refers to your symptoms during the Last 4 weeks. All fields are required.

Very Mild
No trouble at all
Very littel trouble
Moderate trouble
Extreme difficulty
Impossible to do
No trouble at all
Very littel trouble
Moderate trouble
Extreme difficulty
Impossible to do
No pain > 60 minutes
16 - 60 minutes
5 - 15 minutes
Around the house only
Impossible to do
Not at all painful
Slightly painful
Moderately pain
Very painful
Realy / never
Somme tomes or just at frist
Often, not just at frist
Most of the time
All of the time
Yes, easily
With little diffculty
With moderate difficulty
With extreme difficulty
No, impossible
Not at all
Only one or two nights
Some nights
Most nights
Every night
Not at all
A little bit
Rarely / never
Sometimes or just at first
Often, not just at first
Most of the time
All of the time
Yes, easily
With little difficulty
With moderate difficulty
With extreme difficulty
No, impossible
Yes, easily
With little difficulty
With moderate difficulty
With extreme difficulty
No, impossible
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